We Are on the Way & We Are Together


Destination: the Global Wide Center in Louisiana

时间:6:30 am—5:00pm

Time:    6:30 am—5:oopm


Transportation: cars / shuttles




We have a small trip today, from Jackson, MS to GWC, LA. We set up so earlier, at 6:30 am, with biting cold, and come back at 5 pm, with happiness and tiredness. I am writing this not only for keeping a log of this trip, but also for expressing our sincere thanks for those who always accompany and help us since we have been  here.


历史了,因为当时兴奋着照相了,没注意听讲解员讲说。等有时间上网查资料以后补齐,见谅)这里绝对是零距离接触动物,我们坐在车里,然后看着鹿群,斑马,鸭子等等,可以触碰到它们的角,抚摸它们的皮肤,看它们用鹿角打斗,让它们一口气把整个粮食全部拿走,我们被环绕在一篇绿色,鹿群当中。远方有淡淡的清澈的湖泊,丛林,更加装点了大自然和人的和谐与共。我总在回首去看风景, 之前远在前方的鹿群现已全部聚集在身后了。它们是快乐的吗?我想是吧,动物的世界,在这个一个自由而广袤的土地上,更显灵动。


First of all, let me introduce this amazing Global Wide Zoo.( tip: I am sorry I cannot introduce its backgrounds or history this time because I was too busy in photoing to listen to its introduction. But I will make it up as soon as I can after I do a research) truly we can be so close to animals as ever in this area. We are in a long van without windows so that we touch deers, zebras, ducks etc. as close as we want. It is funny that they will have a fight sometimes, probably for meals and the best way to solve their arguments is to fetch their meals from us, from our van. Moreover the whole green area is always shining,attractive and harmonious,  especially with some beautiful lakes and cluters of trees as a nature decoration. Are those deers happy? I think they are, because of freedom and wideness.

但今天的主题是行驶在美国公路上,因为我对这段旅途倍感珍惜,或者是说,对同在旅途的人倍感珍惜吧。自从来到这里,就和教会结下了不解之缘,每次参加的活动或多或少都会有所涉及,而教会的人们,令我震惊。他们不是用友善,友好,热情就可以去描述的,他们的好,总会让人从骨子里感到其中的温暖,安慰和感激。从一开始帮助同来一个姐姐找家具,到每周可以和美国当地人交流学习的international class,到周日白人,华人教会的盛情款待和载车购物,到madison欣赏雄壮的庄园和品味美味的美式早餐,到今天一天为我们开车,服务,友好的人们,我实在不知道如何去表达 我对他们的感激,感谢,和感动。

But mainly this passage is focus on the people who accompany and help us all the time since we have been here. Most of them are christens from various churches and many activities we have had are also related to them. Believe it or not, they are more than nice, friendly or passionate. When we just arrived here, they helped one of our members to furnish her apartment from a long distance. Then they have composed of an international class on Tuesdays, providing us a chance to talk with native speakers about many interesting topics and serving a wonderful dinner. Later we have a visit to a white church and Chinese church on Sundays then they will pick us up to shopping at malls or Wal-Mart. What is more, they invite us to join a typical American breakfast at Madison. Today, again they drive us in such a long distant trip without any complaints, instead, they treat us just as their best friends even we even don’t know each other.


As a matter of fact, we are supposed to feel a little bit lonely, sad or fears when we come to a totally new city because of culture difference. But we don’t or at least I don’t. Maybe that is what the greatest thing is to be a human being —because we have emotions. We may feel cold even we are in a hot temperature, we may feel lonely even we are in a crowd, and we may feel sad even we are still smiling. But the real emotion from others, which includes a sincere wish, some warm words or a nice hug, can be the best antidote as ever to save us, to save our souls from the dark side. Then we will smile, sincere and happy.

今天这一路,他们帮助我们很多很多。因为课程缘故,我不是每个星期都能去international  class 上课,但这次出行,我只发了一封邮件,他们就欣赏答应了,而且那么热情。在很早而且很冷的清晨,Albert就开车在JSU等我们,一路上有为我们想的那么周全,在love’s, Macdonald停下让我们休息买东西,为我们准备各种snacks,还有冰镇的饮料,到了动物园,为我们安排好一切,然后在那个可爱的pizza店为我们准备好了丰富的午餐。下午大家那么疲惫,都开始带着耳机在车子上睡觉时,Steve整个international class的核心人物,还在为我们开车。他一直那么开心,在旅途中逗我们笑。其实在动物园大概待了就两个小时,很多时间是在路上的,而他们,成为了旅途中最重要,最辛苦,最让人感动的人。真的好想真心说一句,谢谢你们!

And today is such a nice day with them. Actually I may not be able to sign in for this trip because I don’t go to international class often and I don’t them the people there almost. But thanks for Evon to let me know and I just sent to Steve an email to say I wanna go, then they invite me, passionate and friendly. The morning is really cold and Albert just waits us at JSU at an earlier time. The amazing thing is that they have prepared us with everything! (the snacks, the iced beverages, the lunch, the love’s/Macdonald) in the afternoon, we are so sleepy and tired when we come back, but Steve, the center/important  person of IC is still driving us. I know maybe he is tired as we do, but he is still driving, smiling and doing everything he can to meet our needs. I am so moved and touched about his kind since we just spend two hours in the zoo and nearly more than six hours on the car, which means he is supposed to be the most tired person. I really want to say ” thank you!” for everybody who plan this trip.


If traced back to our nationalities, blood ties and ancient cultures, nothing alike, similar or same. However, they always do something beyond a friend. I heard of an English word—server. I know its real meaning now.

今天在车里和Aron, Evon谈了一些有关各自价值观的问题,收获很多,看到了不同地区对于一个社会的理解和定义。虽然很有分歧,但尽兴,表达的是自己的观点就好。我想,真正有意的交流形式,并不是想方设法去说服他人相信自己的,而是保持一个open mind的状态去容纳更广的世界,然后再使用critical thinking 去自我评判。所以这让我在很大程度上觉得,BP制的辩论形式是相当有益的。后来和Evon 说到宗教,因为那个在很大程度上会带给我们心灵的平静。这虽然只是简单的一句话,但是整个过程却是伟大而艰难的吧。不过我一直相信,有信念的人,会走的更远!所以伴着窗外倒叙的风景,看着前方依然微笑的Steve,我终于了明白了xxx对于精神层面上的意义。这,或许也是我迈出那步的最关键性的一步吧。

Besides, I have talked a lot with Aron and Evon about some society values and see how different it is from different areas. But of course, it doesn’t matter we cannot reach an agreement and what matters is that we just express our own opinions. In my view,  a real beneficial way to communicate is not to try to persuade somebody to believe in what you believe in, instead, maybe it is better for us to be an open mind for everything at first beginning without bias or first expressions, then we can use critical thinking skills to analysis the materials we have got. (that is why I think BP is so good for expanding and constructing self knowledge and values) later, Evon and I come to speak of religion, which is a good way to make hearts calm and peace. Yes, I insist it on that a person who believes in something will go further and deeper. At the end of trip, I feel I know something from something.


Once Mei-qi said it has been a hard way for her do a huge and significant thing like this, but she is so lucky because she can always meet someone who is really nice and willing to help her without repaying something. Now I got it.


We are still on our way and the flashing sceneries outside window is being prettier because of you.  


I strongly believe that life is a process rather than a result. In this way, maybe it is not very much important to get the terminal of our ways, and what should we really value and appreciate is you, the person who keeps accompanying and helping us all the time.




I will keep writing this travel log every time I go to a new place, updating and mending. I know I am not good at writing especially when my Chinese, English as well as picturing standard is not so good, but the only thing I can promise is that I will keep moving forward step by step. I write this because I want to leave something that we have experienced, something about our real lives and something about the warm human relationships of this city, for those who will come to Jackson as Chinese or exchange students, and for those who are interested in some kind of different life.

作者: 杨熙


1/24/2012 08:18:55 pm

Nice one info, thanks

1/29/2012 04:27:42 pm

thx. =)

1/28/2012 04:35:41 am

THX for info

1/29/2012 04:28:08 pm

thank you for reading = )

2/15/2012 09:09:57 pm

THX for info

3/22/2012 03:44:46 am

Nice post bro

3/22/2012 03:54:40 pm

Good post dude

3/31/2012 01:51:19 pm

Thank you for details


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