_ 第五届杰克逊州立大学春节晚会,在127,美国中部时间930pm,完美谢幕了。

We all had The Fifth Annual Chinese New year Celebration on 6:00 pm CST Jan. 27 2012.


There were more than 300 guest attended and the money of sold tickets was used as a donation for JSU students studying/working in China/Taiwan. The celebration consisted of almost 10 programs, starting with a cheerful song “Celebration” and singing “Friends” as an end, and most importantly, the all programs were made ourselves and practiced for a long time. Since the plan started, all the participants were committed to the team accordingly, thus we all were so touched and moved and comforted when we received the praises and applause, after all our efforts were paid off.

_ 开场的视屏,是协会主席陈帅哥哥和副主席陈时建花了很多个白天,好几个夜晚拍摄剪辑的,里面收容了由美琪老师带领的杰克逊州立大学华人协会这一路历史的点点滴滴,也采访了来自各个国家的老师及学生对于中国新年的祝福,有领导的参与,有杰克逊州立大学的MISS JSU的采访,有交换生的心得,更有来自远方客人的问候和祝福。。。。。。 看视频的人,会感动,但也为做视频的人鼓掌,谢谢他们,用自己的汗水,将曾经如珍珠般美丽的点滴串成了最美的项链。

The opening video was made by the Mr. Chen, the president of Chinese Association of JSU, and Gorge Tan, the vice president of CA-JSU, who had put lots of efforts on shooting, interviewing and editing. The video, of course, perfectly represented the development of Chinese Association of JSU, especially the great contribution that Miss Chen had put in persistently. Besides, there were greetings and wishes involved, from the leaders, teachers, Miss JSU to the native and exchange students in JSU. Tears, just simply come to fill up with our eyes every time we see the video, but what we feel more precious and touched, maybe is that those beautiful and unforgettable memories have been perfectly packed up  and come to be a glistening and shining star in our lives.

_  然后是精致的海报和节目单,多亏了雅莲的设计和帮忙,她也是顶着很多功课的压力,花了好几个晚上做成的,每次去找她,她都一直在电脑桌前,瞪着眼睛,仔细的修改,终于在学校的各个教学楼中,有了我们以红色为主调的海报,和今晚一份份原创精致的节目单。

Then thanks to Miss Pei, who helped and designed the posters and brochure of Celebration even when she was busy with her homework. At that time, every time when I went into her room, definitely she was sitting in front of the desk and aiming at her computer, careful and serious. Then the cheerful red color poster and the decent brochure were finally produced.

节 目中,很大一个亮点就是由翁姐老师自创的话剧,这个节目融入了中国传统武术的经典和现代双节棍的流行元素,尽显了中国武术界的历史和如今的面貌。而且大部 分由外国人用汉语出演,可想此节目的特色,难度性和文化价值所在了。里面有黄飞鸿,有替父从军的木兰,有飞龙,有成龙,有李连杰, 有李小龙。。。。最后以一位师傅,带领多位徒儿打拳结尾,堪称壮观啊.

As for the programs, it is definitely worth to mention the skit, originally created by Miss Weng. The skit was empowered the character of ancient Chinese Kong Fu with the element of modern nunchakus, to typically reflect the well-known history of ancient Chinese and the development of Chinese Kong Fu in the world. What is more, it was unique also because it was done by most American actors, speaking in Chinese. The characters were Mulan, Huang Feihong, Jacky Chen, etc.


And another program is Xin Jiang dance, a special show desired by Yilan, a beautiful girl born in Xin Jiang. But playing such a good dance required many techniques of fingers, head, wrists, but the biggest challenge was they have to conquer the culture differences when practicing, because we have different girls, who come from Latino, India and China. But of course, they performed quite well, also at Migration Festival.  

_ 然后是扇子舞“月满西楼”,这个舞蹈一开始练习时几乎每次跳都轮番换新人,放假前我和曹云姐终于把前段编排完了,放家在美琪老师家里,我大概把后段想出来了,可是放假回来,却忘了最后一个部分,然后又大家一起编排。我们亲爱的翁姐也加入了其行列,还有每次都辛苦也按时练舞的美国女孩Chanice,还有一个跳Zumba舞蹈的Raquel,还有虽然生病,但也依然坚持排练的雨涵,还有每次都帮我拿,收扇子的李楠姐,还有这个舞的主角,曹云姐,她负责唱歌,不过她每次都会和我们一起练舞,伴奏。今晚她一身黑色裙子配上《月满西楼》,再有我们的扇子舞在后承托,效果真的不错。 这些人都是几经“淘汰”过留下的绝对实力派,不容易。曹云姐也挺辛苦的,每次都帮我们一起练舞,伴奏,而且今晚她一身黑色裙子配上《月满西楼》,再有我们的扇子舞在后承托,效果真的不错。原先我们每次练舞都不是很顺利,但是今晚却是最成功的一次,尤其是听见一阵阵自发想起的掌声时,心中一片欣慰。下了舞台,我们各个给以彼此最真心的拥抱,感谢彼此的陪伴,鼓励和信任。

For the fan dance, there are lots of things to say, because we almost updated dancers since we started practicing, and we made dance steps ourselves. But unfortunately, I forgot it after that long trip then we all had to learn something new again. Luckily, we got excellent dancers in the end, Chanice who is a committed American girl, Raquel, the Zumba Instructor, Miss Weng the assistance in Chinese initiatives, Yuhan, a girl who was sick but still insisted on practicing, Li Nan, a good sister who helped me to pack up fans and computers every time after practice, and Cao Yun, the superstar of our program who was responsible for singing but also participated and guided our dance. At that night, our all efforts were dual paid off, especially with Yun’s  black dress and golden fans.


At last, the Celebration was ended up with the song “Friend”, sang by two American gentle man, Kris and Major, a Malaysia Chinese Gorge Tan, and a so Chinese man, Hu Tao. The audience was waving and clapping their hands responsive to the rhythm, as the lyric says “a friend should never be lonely because we all understand and support each other, and even if there are pains and tears ahead, we’ll still on the way, because we believe in friends”.  At that time “Friends” was more than a song, instead, it was a faith that we trust and are willing to support and help—friends.



Moreover, there were more programs included, such as Zumba, led by Raquel, and “Mountain Everest” performed by Miss Liu, and the door prize, etc.

更重要的是,还有很多人的帮忙,才能让晚会一直顺利的举行。我们很幸运,有海燕姐和施瑜姐的耐心和细心,她们一直在为来宾盛食物,忙里忙外。也有王凯和姿余的帮忙,才让很多东西得到了应有的放置。也感谢 陈姐姐为Chanice化妆, Raquel的女儿也为雅莲和我化妆,还有逍遥哥哥精湛的摄影。总之,感谢的人,太多太多。
Besides, thank you for the people who did a good preparation for the party. Such as Haiyan and Shiyu, who were delivering food to the guests, Wang Kai and Zi Yu, who tidied up some settlements, Miss Chen and Raquel's daughter, a make-up stylist and Xiao Yao, an excellent photographer, etc.




The Spring Festival Celebration is a complete success, and the core of our success is not the program itself, but is contributed to the perfect friendship that we have accomplished by the guide of Miss Chen, the contributions that everyone has made for the CA-JSU, and strengthening and growing power of Chinese people abroad 

作者: 杨熙
Photographer: Chen Shuai
Author: Joy Yang

the pictures are updating....

Yu Shi
1/30/2012 03:09:29 am

I am deeply impressed by this wonderful celebration. It was your joint efforts that made it possible. You are a group of young people full of passion and creativity. Cherish those valuable memories and they will be part of your lifelong assets. Hopefully, I participated in this event eventually by serving guests food and water, hehe.

1/30/2012 10:18:54 am

An impressive comment!!! = ) love it : P

1/30/2012 01:16:15 pm

everyone is so great,we are the best!!thx everyone~~

1/30/2012 10:50:00 pm

thx.han !!! = )


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