





文 by 裴雅莲
_ 第五届杰克逊州立大学春节晚会,在127,美国中部时间930pm,完美谢幕了。

We all had The Fifth Annual Chinese New year Celebration on 6:00 pm CST Jan. 27 2012.


There were more than 300 guest attended and the money of sold tickets was used as a donation for JSU students studying/working in China/Taiwan. The celebration consisted of almost 10 programs, starting with a cheerful song “Celebration” and singing “Friends” as an end, and most importantly, the all programs were made ourselves and practiced for a long time. Since the plan started, all the participants were committed to the team accordingly, thus we all were so touched and moved and comforted when we received the praises and applause, after all our efforts were paid off.

_ 开场的视屏,是协会主席陈帅哥哥和副主席陈时建花了很多个白天,好几个夜晚拍摄剪辑的,里面收容了由美琪老师带领的杰克逊州立大学华人协会这一路历史的点点滴滴,也采访了来自各个国家的老师及学生对于中国新年的祝福,有领导的参与,有杰克逊州立大学的MISS JSU的采访,有交换生的心得,更有来自远方客人的问候和祝福。。。。。。 看视频的人,会感动,但也为做视频的人鼓掌,谢谢他们,用自己的汗水,将曾经如珍珠般美丽的点滴串成了最美的项链。

The opening video was made by the Mr. Chen, the president of Chinese Association of JSU, and Gorge Tan, the vice president of CA-JSU, who had put lots of efforts on shooting, interviewing and editing. The video, of course, perfectly represented the development of Chinese Association of JSU, especially the great contribution that Miss Chen had put in persistently. Besides, there were greetings and wishes involved, from the leaders, teachers, Miss JSU to the native and exchange students in JSU. Tears, just simply come to fill up with our eyes every time we see the video, but what we feel more precious and touched, maybe is that those beautiful and unforgettable memories have been perfectly packed up  and come to be a glistening and shining star in our lives.

_  然后是精致的海报和节目单,多亏了雅莲的设计和帮忙,她也是顶着很多功课的压力,花了好几个晚上做成的,每次去找她,她都一直在电脑桌前,瞪着眼睛,仔细的修改,终于在学校的各个教学楼中,有了我们以红色为主调的海报,和今晚一份份原创精致的节目单。

Then thanks to Miss Pei, who helped and designed the posters and brochure of Celebration even when she was busy with her homework. At that time, every time when I went into her room, definitely she was sitting in front of the desk and aiming at her computer, careful and serious. Then the cheerful red color poster and the decent brochure were finally produced.

节 目中,很大一个亮点就是由翁姐老师自创的话剧,这个节目融入了中国传统武术的经典和现代双节棍的流行元素,尽显了中国武术界的历史和如今的面貌。而且大部 分由外国人用汉语出演,可想此节目的特色,难度性和文化价值所在了。里面有黄飞鸿,有替父从军的木兰,有飞龙,有成龙,有李连杰, 有李小龙。。。。最后以一位师傅,带领多位徒儿打拳结尾,堪称壮观啊.

As for the programs, it is definitely worth to mention the skit, originally created by Miss Weng. The skit was empowered the character of ancient Chinese Kong Fu with the element of modern nunchakus, to typically reflect the well-known history of ancient Chinese and the development of Chinese Kong Fu in the world. What is more, it was unique also because it was done by most American actors, speaking in Chinese. The characters were Mulan, Huang Feihong, Jacky Chen, etc.


And another program is Xin Jiang dance, a special show desired by Yilan, a beautiful girl born in Xin Jiang. But playing such a good dance required many techniques of fingers, head, wrists, but the biggest challenge was they have to conquer the culture differences when practicing, because we have different girls, who come from Latino, India and China. But of course, they performed quite well, also at Migration Festival.  

_ 然后是扇子舞“月满西楼”,这个舞蹈一开始练习时几乎每次跳都轮番换新人,放假前我和曹云姐终于把前段编排完了,放家在美琪老师家里,我大概把后段想出来了,可是放假回来,却忘了最后一个部分,然后又大家一起编排。我们亲爱的翁姐也加入了其行列,还有每次都辛苦也按时练舞的美国女孩Chanice,还有一个跳Zumba舞蹈的Raquel,还有虽然生病,但也依然坚持排练的雨涵,还有每次都帮我拿,收扇子的李楠姐,还有这个舞的主角,曹云姐,她负责唱歌,不过她每次都会和我们一起练舞,伴奏。今晚她一身黑色裙子配上《月满西楼》,再有我们的扇子舞在后承托,效果真的不错。 这些人都是几经“淘汰”过留下的绝对实力派,不容易。曹云姐也挺辛苦的,每次都帮我们一起练舞,伴奏,而且今晚她一身黑色裙子配上《月满西楼》,再有我们的扇子舞在后承托,效果真的不错。原先我们每次练舞都不是很顺利,但是今晚却是最成功的一次,尤其是听见一阵阵自发想起的掌声时,心中一片欣慰。下了舞台,我们各个给以彼此最真心的拥抱,感谢彼此的陪伴,鼓励和信任。

For the fan dance, there are lots of things to say, because we almost updated dancers since we started practicing, and we made dance steps ourselves. But unfortunately, I forgot it after that long trip then we all had to learn something new again. Luckily, we got excellent dancers in the end, Chanice who is a committed American girl, Raquel, the Zumba Instructor, Miss Weng the assistance in Chinese initiatives, Yuhan, a girl who was sick but still insisted on practicing, Li Nan, a good sister who helped me to pack up fans and computers every time after practice, and Cao Yun, the superstar of our program who was responsible for singing but also participated and guided our dance. At that night, our all efforts were dual paid off, especially with Yun’s  black dress and golden fans.


At last, the Celebration was ended up with the song “Friend”, sang by two American gentle man, Kris and Major, a Malaysia Chinese Gorge Tan, and a so Chinese man, Hu Tao. The audience was waving and clapping their hands responsive to the rhythm, as the lyric says “a friend should never be lonely because we all understand and support each other, and even if there are pains and tears ahead, we’ll still on the way, because we believe in friends”.  At that time “Friends” was more than a song, instead, it was a faith that we trust and are willing to support and help—friends.



Moreover, there were more programs included, such as Zumba, led by Raquel, and “Mountain Everest” performed by Miss Liu, and the door prize, etc.

更重要的是,还有很多人的帮忙,才能让晚会一直顺利的举行。我们很幸运,有海燕姐和施瑜姐的耐心和细心,她们一直在为来宾盛食物,忙里忙外。也有王凯和姿余的帮忙,才让很多东西得到了应有的放置。也感谢 陈姐姐为Chanice化妆, Raquel的女儿也为雅莲和我化妆,还有逍遥哥哥精湛的摄影。总之,感谢的人,太多太多。
Besides, thank you for the people who did a good preparation for the party. Such as Haiyan and Shiyu, who were delivering food to the guests, Wang Kai and Zi Yu, who tidied up some settlements, Miss Chen and Raquel's daughter, a make-up stylist and Xiao Yao, an excellent photographer, etc.




The Spring Festival Celebration is a complete success, and the core of our success is not the program itself, but is contributed to the perfect friendship that we have accomplished by the guide of Miss Chen, the contributions that everyone has made for the CA-JSU, and strengthening and growing power of Chinese people abroad 

作者: 杨熙
Photographer: Chen Shuai
Author: Joy Yang

the pictures are updating....



Today is the last day of our trip, but the most meaningful day even in our whole lives.


It is hard to keep diary today since there are lots of things to tell, but I do not know what I should start with.


事情起因是这样的:在从杰克逊飞往西雅图的旅途中,怡兰姐在飞机上偶遇一位住在西雅图的美国老太太 Ms.Gorgerson,因为邻座的缘由再加上怡兰姐流利的英语表达基础,两人一路聊得非常开心,从中也得知老太太的一位女儿嫁了一位在美国出生的中国人,另外一位女儿曾经到过中国,而自己的外孙女也曾学习过中文,所以老太太也就盛情邀请我们三个中国女孩离开西雅图之前(也就是今天)去她家做客,吃中午饭。所以我们和老太太约好,今天中午12点时她和她丈夫在市中心邮局门口接我们。

The whole fantastic thing goes in this way: Four days ago yilan met an old lady on the flight to Seattle, whose name is Gorgerson, and they both were enjoy talking to each other. And Ms.Gorgerson has three daughters. One of them has been to China once, and one of them married to an ABC (American born Chinese). Besides, her granddaughter also learned Chinese for a year when she was at the community school. Therefore, the old lady is interested in Chinese things, so that she invited us to her home before we leave. And today, as we planned, she will pick us up at the post office in downtown at 12 am.

在此之前,我们决定先去邮局,正好把我们写好的一大堆明信片给寄出去。正巧在邮局中,碰上一位美国男士,他会讲很流利的中文,并声称他妻子是昆 明的(也就是我的家乡)。可是聊了一会见势头不对,我们就赶紧找借口出了邮局,避开男人。结果过了一会,那人跑出来邀请我们今晚去酒吧,当时我们立马开口 说自己还未成年,不能进酒吧。还好,那人并未勉强,最后还是离开了。我们就这么的小小的虚惊一场。

We arrived at the post office one hour earlier to send our post cards. Then we are waiting for the Mrs. Gorgerson in the office, an American guy come to talk with us in Chinese. He is a little bit forward and aggressive and even asks us to a pub night, which make us uncomfortable, and we just get out of the office immediately by making excuse.

_ 到了中午,老太太和她丈夫准时开车过来接我们,一路上,我们大家聊得很开心,而且他们专门绕道,带我们近距离的欣赏了华盛顿湖的全貌。一路上,我们都被湖泊的唯美所震撼。那湖静谧无息,柔美满地,配上天边的起伏山群,和淡雅天际的装点,让我们的眼,清澈淋漓,让我们的心,沉静无间。更妙之处在于,我们并不是如看海一般近距离站在海边,而是坐在行驶的车子里,透过动的风景,看不动的世界。老太太说,她常常和他丈夫晚上来此散步。能想象吧,一对已结婚五十八年而相守如一的白发苍苍的夫妇,牵手漫步在落叶遍地的小道上,一起看远方起伏的冰山,一起观夜晚灯火装点的湖面,那是何等浪漫与感人的画面啊!老太太说,维系如此长久的婚姻的秘诀是,耐心。一个出乎意料却在情理之中的答案。

Later Ms. Gorgerson comes and we are going to her house with her husband in their car. Mr. Gorgerson is so nice that he takes us along the Washington Lake and we get a chance to see a fabulous lake as ever in Washington State. That lake is clean, wide and beautiful, especially with the decoration of those mountains around and the pure color of sky. The couple usually has a walk along this lake at evening. What a romantic thing it is! She tells us the secret of their more than fifty years’ marriage is patience. A good answer, isn’t?

_ 游览了华盛顿湖后,我们到了他们家--一栋似乎于坐落于丛林间的别致房子。他们家整个布局是温馨的,古典的,连放盘子的盘垫都是古老的现在已经不存在的新西兰坎特伯雷大学的。没一会,老太太的孙女和女儿都来了。她孙女叫Lysne,毕业于华盛顿大学,语言学专业,是一位带有非常高贵气质的女孩。她女儿叫Carla,是一个乐队的歌手,曾经在1998年跟随老板到过中国。Carla很健谈,很开朗,因为乐队的演奏,去过世界的很多国家和地区。老太太的另外一个女儿的丈夫Richard Chew,就是那位出生在美国的中国人,是一名电影剪辑师。老太太的儿子是一名在阿拉斯加工作的渔夫。而老太太本身也非常健谈,非常的高贵优雅,她的丈夫是医生,一位年迈却依然英俊绅士的男士。

After seeing that beautiful and pleasant scenery, we get to her house – a lovely house located just like in a forest. The decoration there is classic style, even the pads are the class souvenirs of the University of Canterbury which is not sold out anymore. Several minutes later, her daughter, Lysne, and granddaughter, Carla, are coming. Lysne studied at the University of Washington, majored in linguistic and she is an elegant and smart girl. Her daughter, Calar, is a singer and guitar in her band and has been to China in 1998 with her boss. Also because of the band’s shows, she has been to lots of countries. And Ms. Gorgerson’s son-in-law, Richard Chew, is a film editor, born in American and her son is a fisherman in Alaska. The whole family looks fabulous and the old lady herself looks so elegant.

_ 我们大家坐在一起聊了很多,话题从讲自己的生活到探讨贫富差距,从聊美国到谈及中国,英国,德国,意大利等多个地区,大家谈的都很尽兴。而老太太为我们准备的午餐,那也是绝对的可口。首先是上等的红酒,然后是白皙柔软的米饭,青绿翠甜的斑竹,伴有橄榄的鸡翅,甜点是混有三份不同口味的冰激凌,和香喷浓郁的咖啡,还配有由Carla乐队刚出的新专辑的歌曲。一个下午,也就在美酒,美菜和尽兴的交谈中,流逝了。我们于四点离开了。Carla亲自开车把我们送到了轻轨站。分别时我们都很不舍,所以都互留了联系方式,邮箱,facebook,家庭地址和电话,希望如果能有机会,我们到中国相见,到时,我们一定盛情款待这好心的一家人。

In the whole afternoon, we all focus on talking, from the experience of ourselves to the gap between rich and poor, from taking America to mentioning China, England, German, Italy, etc. the lunch they prepare is also good—a glass of red wine, tasty rice, roasted chicken, three types of ice creams and a cup of coffee, with the new album of Calar’s band. The nice visitation ends up at 4 pm. We really like each other and decide to save some contact information—facebook, emails, phones and addresses. Hope we will be staying together in China someday and we will treat them more than guests.  


后来当晚上回到酒店,在网上一查Carla的乐队和Richard Chew,才知道,原来他们可是明星级别的人物,维基百科等权威网站都有他们的信息。我们这才知道,天啊,我们今天,居然是和如此有名气的一家人待了一下午,居然是和一位歌星级别的人物共餐,居然是和曾被英国奥斯卡奖提名为最佳剪辑师的家人聊天!

And it is funny that we are surprised at their family after google it when we come back. The information of Carla and Richard Chew on the Wikipedia gives us a shot. One of them is a kind of famous singer and the other is an outstanding film editor.


Carla的乐队名称叫 the Walkabouts,是于1984年成立于美国西雅图的摇滚乐队,共出过将近八张专辑。Carla本身是乐队的主唱兼吉他手,并在美国很多地区演出过。www.walkabouts.com是她乐队的官网,里面包含了乐队的历史,功绩和歌曲等各种信息。我们听了她的两首歌,非常的好听。

Carla’s band, the Walkabouts, is an American rock band formed in Seattle in 1984 and she is the core singer and guitar in it. Totally they have eight albums and here is the office website of her band: www.walkabouts.com. The songs sound good.

而老太太的女婿,Richard Chew曾参与过美国大片《星球大战》的剪辑,并是电影《单身贵族》的副导演,剪辑和制片人,总共成功剪辑过将近21部电影,并三次获英国电影与电视艺术学院奖的提名,一次荣获英国电影与电视艺术学院奖的最佳剪辑奖。在权威的维基百科英文版上看到他资料时,才知道他在电影剪辑界,也是一位名人。

Richard Chew, once edited the Star Wars and was an co-director, producer and editor of singles. He owned BAFTA Film Award for Best Film Editing of Conversation, Saturn Award for Outstanding Editing of Star Wars…… and was nominated four times of all kinds film editing.


Now, we finally get to know no wonder there are many letters in the old lady’s house.



Actually we are excited not at meeting a famous family, but at meeting such a great experience—we should had a lunch with a native and famous American family with whom we met accidentally on the flight in such a new city that we have never been to and just stay in four days! Unbelievable.

_ 其实,我们热爱西雅图这个城市,不仅是因为这里优美的自然环境,更是因为温暖的人文气息。第一天刚到西雅图机场,我们打电话时无法和酒店的接车员顺利的进行英语交流,好心的工作人员拿过电话,耐心的和他们讲清楚情况,我们才得以顺利的到了酒店。第二天,在暮色降临,我们还徘徊在轮渡不知道如何去太空塔的路途中,偶遇一位骑单车的男士。他看到我们好像在找路,就主动停下车为我们指路,还给我们一张很好用的地图,还给我们三每人一张带有5美元可以在美国各州星巴克使用的银行卡,以至于那天我们很快的找到路,而且在接下来的几天里,也在星巴克里喝了三四次免费的咖啡。第三天我们坐在去微软公司的公交车上睡着了,到站时乘客和司机主动把我们叫醒,为我们指路,以至于我们顺利的到达了微软公司并按时返回。还有今天。。。

Probably that is why we love this city, not only for the beautiful nature scenery also for the nice people. We met a nice officer first day when we were at airport. At that time we had troubles in communicating with hotel’s pick-up service and he actively talked with them so that we went to the right place on time. We met a nice passenger second day when we were lost at waterfront. He was riding bike and stopped to help us find the right way by giving us maps. Moreover, he gave us a bank card for each and we can use that card in Starbucks up to five dollars. We met a nice driver third day when we were on the bus to the Microsoft Corporation. And today……


We are lucky girls, aren’t we? We are the precious kids of God, aren’t we? We are well protected by God, aren’t we? Thank God so much. Love Seattle, love Pike Market, love everything we met here.

_ 现在已经凌晨早晨六点了,雨涵她们已经坐上了飞往旧金山的飞机,我再过一个小时也即将踏上下一站之旅。好不舍,好留念,好不愿意和西雅图说晚安,而想一直和它说早安!

Now, it is almost 6 am and one hour later, we are going to leave here. Not want to say “Good night, Seattle” anymore, instead, pursue to say “Good morning, Seattle!” all the time.


Sleepless in Seattle, is happening not because of romantic love in the movie, but because of love in the reality life in Seattle.

Good morning, Seattle!

Author: Joy Yang


_  Dec. 15 2011


It is the third day of our trip, the tough one actually.


Drizzles accompany us all day and our trip is mainly on the bus or walking on the wet streets, which probably makes us a little bit down today.

_  早上我们经过了无数次的问路,查路线图,才找到去大学区的交通路线。当坐上轻轨时,我突然想把坐在轻轨上看到的风景照下来,虽然相片清晰度不高,但那确实是西雅图大部分地区的城市全貌。而且,当窗外风景骤然倒逝于眼边,也总能品味出人生得失之感。

We plan to start the trip by going to the University District, but we do have a hard time looking for the right routine of that. Then after sitting on the light rail, a wonderful idea hits me that it might be interesting to take pictures of city when I am on the moving rail. The quality of photos is not that so good though, the picture diary is going to be a best proof of city view. Besides seeing something out of window kind of reminds me of something related to life. Just as the moving scenery outside of window, we cannot decide what presents us and catch up something that is not supposed to be ours, but we still should appreciate everything we have already had, because at least that everything belongs to us.

_ 后来我们依行程到了西雅图的大学区,主要是看华盛顿大学。它是一所世界排名22的优秀大学,而且在全美公立大学中,综合实力排名第四,所以值得一看。但当我们坐公交,眼看着行人由外国人多,变为中国人多的时候,不用听站牌预报,都知道我们的目的地要到了。中国人的实力就是如此之强大,越到繁华,越到有技术含量的地区,中国人出现频率就越高,麻省如此,哈佛亦如此,而依然优秀的华盛顿大学也不例外。我们又开始听见熟悉的中文,看到亲切的“熟人”了。不过因为天气缘故,也因为已有麻省和哈佛的旅游经历,我们在华盛顿大学所待时间并不久。因为,我们今天的主要目的地--微软总部,正在像我们招手。

Then we arrive at the University District and we just want to see the University of Washington. Actually it is funny that when we are aware of many Chinese passengers passing by, we just know that it is time to get off the bus because the destination is not so far. Thinking in that way is rooted from the experience that visiting to MIT and HV. In that trip, the nearer we get to close to the school, the more Chinese people on the streets. So we get used to it and also apply it this time, successfully, it works out. But we just hang about for a while at W, then leave for the Microsoft Corporation.

_  微软总部坐落在雷德蒙德地区,是临近西雅图的一个地区,而后来到了之后,我们才知道,原来那就相当于微软研究基地一般,基本被微软的各种楼所占领了。我们首先是到一个微软中转站,在那里,有免费的专门由微软公司提供的免费咖啡,茶和各式饮品,然后告诉那的服务人员要去微软那栋楼,那么就会有各种型号大小的微软巴士或的士来接我们到目的地。对于我们这样的参观者,在偌大的一个微软地区,有且只有一座楼可以去,那就是游览中心。所以在专车的接待下我们顺利到了这座有且只有一楼对参观者开放的游览中心。里面有且只有两处地方对参观者开放,一处是专门卖微软产品的,一处是微软体验馆(今天正好关门),所以我们就一直在微软产品店逛了很久。但是那里的商品千姿百态,而且都以微软开发出来的软件,游戏,浏览器命名,如binggeek等。所有的东西都很别致,而且是专属品,不过价格比较昂贵,所以最后还是没有走到收银台的位置上。

The Microsoft Corporation is located on the Redmond, a neighborhood of Seattle. And after being there, we are surprised that the Microsoft Corporation’s buildings and connector shuttles spread the whole area. The bus drops us off at the Transit Center in which free coffee, tea and foundation drinks are served by the corporation. Later the staff will check the customers’ requests, such as which building are we going to, then the shuttle or taxi will come and pick us up to there. But it is a pity that only the first floor of Microsoft Visitor Center be open to the public, for anywhere else, it is for employees only. But everything is going fine in the Visitor Center Store. Lots of cute things are there.

_ 后来,又在专车的接送下,我们返回到了中转站,准备打道回府,那会也是下午四点,城市已被黑夜笼罩了。相机,也在那时,没电了,所以晚上的生活也就无法用图片形象说明了。

About four, we come back and the city is already in a dark. Unluckily, the camera is also out of power then, so there won’t be pictures about our nights.


After being back to downtown, we have a dinner at Westlake Center then go shopping at Marcy’s and a tiny but wonderful Japanese store. It is 10 in the hotel.

今天的旅程, 并不是很顺利,但是,也是因为途中不顺,才更感人情的可贵。而我也终于明白,只有完全置身于西雅图时,才能体味其中那份浪漫,轻快和温柔之感,临海而行,伴有微风飒飒,才显西雅图的梦境阑珊,也才足以让心,就此沉浮。

The trip today doesn’t work out so well as yesterday, but it is a good experience to meet something new. For me, I get to know the excitement and satisfaction still comes from Seattle itself—romantic, gentle and light. Sleepless happens just in Seattle.

Author: Joy Yang

This is a special break for us and I am going to update the blog everyday to diary our special trip.

Dec. 14 2011

It is the second day in Seattle, which is also the beginning of our trip.


We start our trip by taking the light rail—Link to downtown direction. It is funny that there is no machine to check rail tickets in the hall, instead, buying tickets or not depends on passengers themselves. But of course, it happens that the staff on the rail will check tickets sometimes, and for those who haven’t bought tickets, it will charge them for 128 dollars as a punishment. So definitely we buy our tickets in the beginning. On the rail, there are lots of vacant seats and very clean isles with cozy heat temperature. As for me, I am totally into the sightseeing outside window, which is full of lines of trees, dotted houses and beautiful grasses. Besides, the decoration of vague sky makes city more comfortable. And we just cannot help ourselves loving the city from the first morning.

_  我们在比较出名的Chinatown-International District站下车了。在见过了NY的中国城后,我总觉得中国城应该用繁华,人多,壮观等词去形容,但是西雅图的中国城,却是空空的,只有很少的店铺,所以我们的第一站就匆匆而过了。我们的第二站是派克市场,因为那里是全美第一家星巴克咖啡的故乡。不过沿途,我们也就一路欣赏了这个城市。这个城市的地势有很明显的凹凸起伏,以至于每走过一条大道,总觉得要么是在爬山,要么就是下山的感觉。走在街道中,四周有高楼的环绕,但是人不多,而且配上灰蒙蒙的天,即使那已是中午,也依然觉得城市依然在睡梦中一样,朦胧,幽静。所以,我们也就索性的自由自在的穿梭在这样带有些许繁华又夹杂部分幽静的街头,走过将近七条大街,前进了将近十多个街区。整个行程并不累,虽然阵阵的寒风有些刺骨的寒冷,但是心里却异常的开心,幸福。我们三个女生,就这么肩并肩的快乐的前进,并且一路上都情不自禁的说“我真的好喜欢这个城市啊”。西雅图,就是这样,用最简单,质朴,纯正的风景,让人没有理由却又无可救药的热爱,沉醉。

We get off the rail at Chinatown-International District, planning to see those gorgeous and fantastic Chinatown which we have been in NY. But the Chinatown here is totally different from what we thought, because it is almost nobody on the street and there aren’t many shops open. Since it is the way it is, we decide to go to the Pike Market in which the first Starbucks locates. And we also have a good view of whole city when we are on the way. The streets in Seattle are actually kind of curved, and going there just like climbing some small hills, from the bottom to the top then to the bottom. Moreover, there are many tall buildings all the way. However, probably because of hazy sky, it makes us feel we are still in the morning even it is already afternoon though. Then with high mood and beautiful sceneries, we have crossed about seven avenues and more than ten streets. But it is not tired experience, instead, we enjoy the every moments walking in this city.

_ 后来我们到了派克市场,这是一个非常有名的农贸市场,里面什么都有,而且东西比较平价。这里的海鲜尤为出名,所以一进去就是一家很大,货物很鲜美的海鲜店。我们的中午饭就是在一家海鲜店吃的,这顿绝对是到了美国以后的第一顿大餐。我们要了阿拉斯加大蟹腿,华盛顿家酿纯正良酒,两碗香喷喷的海鲜汤,还有一碗色香味俱全的海鲜大杂烩,再配上海边天海一色的风景,窗边清新的柠檬水,还有身边的好朋友。。。。。。我们三个又无可救药的沉醉了。感谢主,感谢主让我们能拥有如此丰富的生命。

Later we arrive at the Pike Market which is a well-known public market with various goods. The seafood is popular here and as a result of that we have a luxury lunch at Authentic .  The great Alaska Crab, a cup of wine, a bowl of shrimp soup and seafood bowl are the great dishes as ever for our lunch. The time we eat, the time we appreciate the sea view outside window and talk with good friends. We have to say, thank God for giving us so precious life.


后来我们在派克市场,逛了很久,进了很多小店,通过各种小物品,看到了美国精神和物质生活的变化,从久远年代的景点偶像到如今热播美剧的偶像,一幕幕在派克市场里呈现出了最好的博物馆状态。当然我们还看到elephant garlic,当地土生土长的大梨,还有巧克力味的意大利面,满足了极大的好奇心。

Then we shop at the Market which presents some interesting things, such as  elephant garlic and chocolate pasta.

After a while, we go to the first Starbucks. It is small and even hasn’t seats in it, but it is the first looks like—simple but useful. It is such a miracle that the Starbucks spreads America everywhere at present just from such a small store.

然后,我们在寒风中,去到了waterfront (码头)。看到了远方的冰山,看到了西雅图的地标太空塔,看到了无数停靠的船舶,看到了正在行进的渡轮。有水的地方,总是能悄无声息的将周围的一切灌溉出灵动的美感。喜欢这样的海,喜欢这样的海景,喜欢在如此静谧海面装点下的西雅图。

Even it is cold walking outside, we still deiced to go to the waterfront. At there, we see the far distant iced mountain, the tall Space Needle and surrounding ships. Love the sea view, love the silence that comes from the sea, and love the city with the beautiful silence.


最后,我们从downtown走到了Seattle Center,到了太空塔下。但是,在有了站在帝国大厦最高处俯瞰纽约全景的经历后,我们对这样高大的建筑看全景似乎失去了应有的兴奋度,所以在塔下逗留了一会,我们决定就此结束今日的行程。那时,虽然才七点,但整座城市在五点时,已进入黑夜笼罩的状态。但,灯光下的西雅图,更显迷人。

In the end, we go to the Seattle Center, the place that holds Space Needle. But as a matter of fact, after we having viewed the 360-degree view of NY on the Empire Building, our curiosity have already went up to a higher level, so that we plan to be back to the hotel before going up. It is dark at that time but the city under lights is more charming.

The trip today is neither tired as NY Trip, nor adventurous as DC Trip. Actually the comfortable feeling today reminds us of New Orleans Trip, which is a trip in deed—walking, appreciating, photographing, enjoying and feeling—rather than a task. Maybe the connection of water makes them similar.


Now we are in the hotel and still sincerely happy about trip today. We all know, we just love Seattle without any reasonable reasons. Good night--Seattle.

作者: 杨熙 / Author: Joy Yang 


Endless the best and sincere wishes 


Destination: somewhere with helicopters

时间: 2011 年 11 月 5 日 早上 11:00 – 晚上 8: 00

Time: Nov. 5 2011

            11 am – 8 pm

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早上格外快乐的美琪老师开着她的van,和亲爱的uncle chip叔叔还有最平易近人的翁姐开车来接我们,去参加一个在直升飞机上扔南瓜砸飞机的活动 。我们异常兴奋的同时,更多的关注了戴着牛仔帽帅气十足的uncle chip,和他身上与美琪老师相辅相成的情侣格子装。  






后来活动大概在1 30 pm 开始,一次大概三四张飞机一组,把南瓜作为子弹,在飞机飞行过程中忘下面射击,射中下面作为靶子的飞机。这其实是很难的,因为要计算风速,角度,速度等,而且“靶子”外就是葱郁的大树,所以很多时候,即使很近了,往往会落到旁边的树林中,就无疾而终了。 不过今天我们运气很好,观看到了两次“重靶”,这不易啊,当时行家人说这可是五年之内少有的啊。所以感谢美琪老师的生日,带给他们和我们运气。 后来我们就尽情,放肆的欣赏了飞机,见证它的起飞,飞行,降落,又开始,一次又一次,宛如人生中大小事情一样,有开始,有高潮,有结束,但最重要的是,最有总会有一个新的开始。因为我们在,前进。


下午大概 四点我们离开了,去“陈家园”吃饭为老师庆祝生日。那在我们常去的一个中国超市里面。 我们平时买的老干妈,饺子,花卷之类的都在里面,在这里看见中国超市且吃上中国食物,真的是一件不容易的事情。




但最幸运的是,我们能遇到美琪老师和翁姐,这两位了不起的女人! 她们带给我们的震撼,真的很大。



后来我们为老师唱了生日歌,切了蛋糕。晚上因为亲爱的美琪老师要和uncle chip去二人世界看电影去,我们就各自回去了。他们两人的感情,有时真的很令人羡慕。

最后还是要说一句:亲爱的美琪老师,生日快乐!!! 真心感谢,您,为我们做的一切的一切!!! 我们一直会用最真,最诚的心,祝福您!!!

作者;杨熙 (joy)


目的地: 密西西比的布兰登, 一个城外有着优美田园风光且可以自己做南瓜灯的地方

Destination:  Brandon, MS.

时间: 2011年10月29号 下午2点—晚上10 点

Time: 2 – 10 pm on Oct. 29 2011


Transportation: Sarah’s van

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Today is definitely an excellent antidote for our busy and stressful lives as well as a good preparation for the Halloween party on Monday. After all we have made our lovely lanterns tonight and experienced the atmosphere of Halloween at corn maze. Besides, the beautiful scenery of farm with pleasant breeze has made us afresh.


Going straight

 下午两点,我们准时从杰克逊出发了,一群国际学生,韩国,印度,尼泊尔,柬埔寨,土耳其,台湾和中国大陆的我们。当然,我们一向和尼泊尔和柬埔寨来的那两位比较好,好到很多话题一起聊,学各种语言,去各种地方,疯狂于照相,总爱一起大声笑。我们把这个现象很大一部分归因于,我们都是亚洲来的!路上,透过窗外,伴着在阳光下折射的对面的世界,划过无数个十字街头,与无数张车辆擦肩而过,我们,亦一路向北,前进。这或许是我们一直在心中所信奉的信仰,为目标而前进,不因美丽的风景而驻留。可是生命是一个过程不是一个结果,所以往往到达了那个目的地之后,怀念的却是一路经历的风景。这让我想起大二口语期末考时,Matthrew 问我的一个问题。他说现在大二即将结束了,在这学期我中我最怀念什么,我立马说不是专四,不是高分,不是表扬,而是和大家一起合作,做presentation的日子。他笑 了,我也笑了,因为我们的答案正巧一样。或者说,很多人的答案都碰巧一样。一路向北前进,旅途收获也同行在路上。

We just start off from Jackson at 2 pm, with groups of international students, coming from Korea, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Turkey, Taiwan and mainland China. Actually we get to be close with the Nepal and the Cambodian probably because we are passionate in the same things. Besides we all come from Asia so that we are gifted in learning each other’s languages. Anytime we are together, there will be full of laughs and smiles and pictures! It is enjoyable to appreciate the moving scenery through the window in the sun, and most of time there will be so many cars and crosses passing by that we just can have a look at it but cannot stop by because we have to drive straight to our destination. The same thing applies to our lives in which we set up goals and fight for it and get it. The truth, however, is we will bear the process in our mind rather than the product because the most valuable things usually happen within our efforts when we are doing it. I jog my memory about a man by thinking in that way. When I was interviewed in the end of my oral class at the last semester, Matthew asked me what impressed me most in this semester, was it the TEM 4? I said it was the every night I was working my groups to prepare the presentation of class, instead of the test or the perfect grade. Then he smiled, me too, and I know he just had the same answer as I do. Or I could say many people will have the same answer as we do, because we are pursuing the nature of life which just lies at the process of life.


We have a visit to the farm after we have arrived at Brandon, and we lost in the beauty of there.

我们很多人坐在一张装满稻草的大卡车里,被载着一路前行。期间,我们停留看了羊群,而且亲手抚摸了刚四个月大的小羊,它的可爱,让我们沉浸在最慧心的笑容里。后来我们停留看了美丽的湖泊,水的灵性让今天透彻的蓝天和碎心的绿景增加了生命律动的气息。最后我们停在一片向日葵的花海当中。向日葵在对我们微笑,我们对蓝天微笑,蓝天让阳光对向日葵微笑,我们跳跃,我们欢呼,我们希望我们身体中的每一个细胞都有着出像向日葵一样激情的脉络,至深,至动。 后来我们可以即将自己做的南瓜灯挑选南瓜,在一片稻草衬托下的南瓜海洋里,又一次遗失了心的归属。因为太美,所以无从归依。因为豁达,所以无惧归依。
We get on a large red van with many soft straws at the bottom and go straight. The first stop is the sheep’s home where we see a lovely four-month-old sheep. It is so cute that we all want to touch it and take picture with it. Then the second stop is the lake which adds the color of nature as a colorful pencil. But the most memorable stop is the ocean of sunflowers and pumpkins. It is seems that the flowers are all smiling to us with endless vigor, and we raise our heads to the sky, praying we can memorize there as long as we can. Later we can pick up any pumpkin we want to make our own lanterns. Finally, we lost in the smiles of everything in the breeze.

Then we drive back.


Lantern is lighting


We made the lanterns ourselves after we come back. First of all, we should take the top of pumpkin off as a circle then put the seeds off. And for a while, there are various kinds of expressions of lanterns coming into being, such as the scary one, or the fatty one or the smiling one. Moreover Evon finds out the lantern will be light only if we put it under the shadow of tenant by the reflecting sun light. We made it, happy and excited. Sometimes I have to admit it is easy to feel the real happiness especially with our dear friends.



At night, we have a trip in the corn maze with a lighter. We are so scared at first because of darkness and wired noise, but later we are busy in taking pictures and looking for the noise of other teams as way of going out. Though it is cold in such a freezing night, but we are warm at least in our hearts.


最后,我们去sarah一个朋友家吃了晚饭。她们家很可爱,有一个很漂亮的小宝宝。但我们是在家外,生火烤热狗吃的。我们一群人,围绕着篝火,烤面包,考热狗,最重要的是我们烤棉花糖!这绝对是一个新吃法,烤熟的棉花糖和开袋即吃的味道不一样,最好的水平就是考到棉花糖刚要化却又没有的时候,亲亲吃一个,软绵绵的甜味融化在嘴里,弥漫幸福啊。 后来还遇到了几个化妆的人,有一个装talor swift, 有一个装胖子,有一个装带着翅膀的天使。都很漂亮。我们在篝火的温暖中,结束了这个快乐的周六。

At the end of this day, we have a dinner at one of Sarah’s friend. Her house is so adorable maybe because of her little and cute baby. And we have a hot dog roast outside but the most impressive one is the roasted candyfloss, which is definitely new to Chinese people, and of course it tastes different when roasted. Then we see some beautiful costumes, such as the cute dress of Talor Swift and the white wings of an angle.




The most favorite part for me today is the happy hour I am with those sweet friends. They makes us feel relaxed and pleasant after we have worked hard for five days. Who knows what tomorrow will be, at least we are happy today and our hearts are free today. The wide forests, the green grass, the silent and beautiful lakes and the light blue sky just make sense when I with you, with everyone at JSU.


However, the real Halloween is going to be at Monday night when we will be gathering at Mei-Chi’s house. Look forward to it.


Love this beautiful night, when the lanterns is lighting beside me, beside us.

The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile. 那最能赋予生命价值、代价最廉而回报最多的东西,不过一个令人心畅的微笑而已。

author: joy yang

We Are on the Way & We Are Together


Destination: the Global Wide Center in Louisiana

时间:6:30 am—5:00pm

Time:    6:30 am—5:oopm


Transportation: cars / shuttles




We have a small trip today, from Jackson, MS to GWC, LA. We set up so earlier, at 6:30 am, with biting cold, and come back at 5 pm, with happiness and tiredness. I am writing this not only for keeping a log of this trip, but also for expressing our sincere thanks for those who always accompany and help us since we have been  here.


历史了,因为当时兴奋着照相了,没注意听讲解员讲说。等有时间上网查资料以后补齐,见谅)这里绝对是零距离接触动物,我们坐在车里,然后看着鹿群,斑马,鸭子等等,可以触碰到它们的角,抚摸它们的皮肤,看它们用鹿角打斗,让它们一口气把整个粮食全部拿走,我们被环绕在一篇绿色,鹿群当中。远方有淡淡的清澈的湖泊,丛林,更加装点了大自然和人的和谐与共。我总在回首去看风景, 之前远在前方的鹿群现已全部聚集在身后了。它们是快乐的吗?我想是吧,动物的世界,在这个一个自由而广袤的土地上,更显灵动。


First of all, let me introduce this amazing Global Wide Zoo.( tip: I am sorry I cannot introduce its backgrounds or history this time because I was too busy in photoing to listen to its introduction. But I will make it up as soon as I can after I do a research) truly we can be so close to animals as ever in this area. We are in a long van without windows so that we touch deers, zebras, ducks etc. as close as we want. It is funny that they will have a fight sometimes, probably for meals and the best way to solve their arguments is to fetch their meals from us, from our van. Moreover the whole green area is always shining,attractive and harmonious,  especially with some beautiful lakes and cluters of trees as a nature decoration. Are those deers happy? I think they are, because of freedom and wideness.

但今天的主题是行驶在美国公路上,因为我对这段旅途倍感珍惜,或者是说,对同在旅途的人倍感珍惜吧。自从来到这里,就和教会结下了不解之缘,每次参加的活动或多或少都会有所涉及,而教会的人们,令我震惊。他们不是用友善,友好,热情就可以去描述的,他们的好,总会让人从骨子里感到其中的温暖,安慰和感激。从一开始帮助同来一个姐姐找家具,到每周可以和美国当地人交流学习的international class,到周日白人,华人教会的盛情款待和载车购物,到madison欣赏雄壮的庄园和品味美味的美式早餐,到今天一天为我们开车,服务,友好的人们,我实在不知道如何去表达 我对他们的感激,感谢,和感动。

But mainly this passage is focus on the people who accompany and help us all the time since we have been here. Most of them are christens from various churches and many activities we have had are also related to them. Believe it or not, they are more than nice, friendly or passionate. When we just arrived here, they helped one of our members to furnish her apartment from a long distance. Then they have composed of an international class on Tuesdays, providing us a chance to talk with native speakers about many interesting topics and serving a wonderful dinner. Later we have a visit to a white church and Chinese church on Sundays then they will pick us up to shopping at malls or Wal-Mart. What is more, they invite us to join a typical American breakfast at Madison. Today, again they drive us in such a long distant trip without any complaints, instead, they treat us just as their best friends even we even don’t know each other.


As a matter of fact, we are supposed to feel a little bit lonely, sad or fears when we come to a totally new city because of culture difference. But we don’t or at least I don’t. Maybe that is what the greatest thing is to be a human being —because we have emotions. We may feel cold even we are in a hot temperature, we may feel lonely even we are in a crowd, and we may feel sad even we are still smiling. But the real emotion from others, which includes a sincere wish, some warm words or a nice hug, can be the best antidote as ever to save us, to save our souls from the dark side. Then we will smile, sincere and happy.

今天这一路,他们帮助我们很多很多。因为课程缘故,我不是每个星期都能去international  class 上课,但这次出行,我只发了一封邮件,他们就欣赏答应了,而且那么热情。在很早而且很冷的清晨,Albert就开车在JSU等我们,一路上有为我们想的那么周全,在love’s, Macdonald停下让我们休息买东西,为我们准备各种snacks,还有冰镇的饮料,到了动物园,为我们安排好一切,然后在那个可爱的pizza店为我们准备好了丰富的午餐。下午大家那么疲惫,都开始带着耳机在车子上睡觉时,Steve整个international class的核心人物,还在为我们开车。他一直那么开心,在旅途中逗我们笑。其实在动物园大概待了就两个小时,很多时间是在路上的,而他们,成为了旅途中最重要,最辛苦,最让人感动的人。真的好想真心说一句,谢谢你们!

And today is such a nice day with them. Actually I may not be able to sign in for this trip because I don’t go to international class often and I don’t them the people there almost. But thanks for Evon to let me know and I just sent to Steve an email to say I wanna go, then they invite me, passionate and friendly. The morning is really cold and Albert just waits us at JSU at an earlier time. The amazing thing is that they have prepared us with everything! (the snacks, the iced beverages, the lunch, the love’s/Macdonald) in the afternoon, we are so sleepy and tired when we come back, but Steve, the center/important  person of IC is still driving us. I know maybe he is tired as we do, but he is still driving, smiling and doing everything he can to meet our needs. I am so moved and touched about his kind since we just spend two hours in the zoo and nearly more than six hours on the car, which means he is supposed to be the most tired person. I really want to say ” thank you!” for everybody who plan this trip.


If traced back to our nationalities, blood ties and ancient cultures, nothing alike, similar or same. However, they always do something beyond a friend. I heard of an English word—server. I know its real meaning now.

今天在车里和Aron, Evon谈了一些有关各自价值观的问题,收获很多,看到了不同地区对于一个社会的理解和定义。虽然很有分歧,但尽兴,表达的是自己的观点就好。我想,真正有意的交流形式,并不是想方设法去说服他人相信自己的,而是保持一个open mind的状态去容纳更广的世界,然后再使用critical thinking 去自我评判。所以这让我在很大程度上觉得,BP制的辩论形式是相当有益的。后来和Evon 说到宗教,因为那个在很大程度上会带给我们心灵的平静。这虽然只是简单的一句话,但是整个过程却是伟大而艰难的吧。不过我一直相信,有信念的人,会走的更远!所以伴着窗外倒叙的风景,看着前方依然微笑的Steve,我终于了明白了xxx对于精神层面上的意义。这,或许也是我迈出那步的最关键性的一步吧。

Besides, I have talked a lot with Aron and Evon about some society values and see how different it is from different areas. But of course, it doesn’t matter we cannot reach an agreement and what matters is that we just express our own opinions. In my view,  a real beneficial way to communicate is not to try to persuade somebody to believe in what you believe in, instead, maybe it is better for us to be an open mind for everything at first beginning without bias or first expressions, then we can use critical thinking skills to analysis the materials we have got. (that is why I think BP is so good for expanding and constructing self knowledge and values) later, Evon and I come to speak of religion, which is a good way to make hearts calm and peace. Yes, I insist it on that a person who believes in something will go further and deeper. At the end of trip, I feel I know something from something.


Once Mei-qi said it has been a hard way for her do a huge and significant thing like this, but she is so lucky because she can always meet someone who is really nice and willing to help her without repaying something. Now I got it.


We are still on our way and the flashing sceneries outside window is being prettier because of you.  


I strongly believe that life is a process rather than a result. In this way, maybe it is not very much important to get the terminal of our ways, and what should we really value and appreciate is you, the person who keeps accompanying and helping us all the time.




I will keep writing this travel log every time I go to a new place, updating and mending. I know I am not good at writing especially when my Chinese, English as well as picturing standard is not so good, but the only thing I can promise is that I will keep moving forward step by step. I write this because I want to leave something that we have experienced, something about our real lives and something about the warm human relationships of this city, for those who will come to Jackson as Chinese or exchange students, and for those who are interested in some kind of different life.

作者: 杨熙




We go to New Orleans today, a harbor city in the south of America – with colorfulness.

可是,城市必须先从它的历史说起,这也是为什么我们每次去一个地方,总是先去历史博物馆的原因吧,毕竟没有它的曾经,那么 现在的一切都无所归依。这是一个南方城市,很多美国南方城市的历史必然是血泪的,艰辛的,历经磨难的!南北战争固然带来了统一,但是南部地区的 African Americans所经历的磨难与艰辛是不可想象的。种族主义,贫穷,国内的战乱。。。从身体和心理上都带给他们最致命的伤害。可是,现在的他们,却是那 么的友好,和平,这让我感觉到人性的伟大。这个路易斯安那州曾是法国的殖民地,在法国和美利坚合众国的抗争中,挣扎。他们不像北方那些城市能找到很鲜明的 国民归属感,可是却又不得不挣脱殖民的捆缚,所以一直缺少一个identification。新奥尔良也因此卷入了各种战争中。

First of all, let we get to its history as a basic foundation to know it better. The history of New Orleans as well as many southern cities is doomed to be the suffering one and most of African-Americans have been through lots of hurt from the Civil War, the racism, the poverty and so on. But they are so good now, being friendly, maintaining the peace and welcoming, which make me realize the nature of human beings. As for Louisiana, it was the colony of French and struggled in the wars between America and French. Moreover, what makes it worse is that the people from Louisiana spent a hard time in looking for its identification that it should belong to a part of the United States as the northern cities do, or it should be the total colony as the southern America cities. And the disaster also applied to New Orleans.


它的街道,不繁华,不空旷,不拥挤,不浮夸,但却给人一种淡淡的幸福的感觉。充裕的阳光,配上绿茵茵的草坪,听着街头歌唱 的曲子,和家人,或是朋友,捧上一杯咖啡,抬头,静静的休息,平躺,那绝对是一种幸福!来自心底的幸福。还配有各种街边画画的背景,刹那间会觉得自己置身 于一个充满着艺术氛围的大自然画廊里,处处皆景,处处皆画,处处都是艺术和美感。呆着墨镜的旅游者,手牵手微笑前行的情侣,一家人推着小车,抱着小孩嘻 嘻,所有的一切都是阳光,都是幸福。

The street of New Orleans is full of a kind of happiness even without crowds, high buildings or incredible wideness. The typical picture of it is that there is a happy family or several friends sitting on the grass with the blue sky and tasting a good coffee with light music. They may smile to the sun, they may lie on the ground, or they may sing to each other. But whatever it is, the all feelings we can touch is the romantic atmosphere from the beautiful nature and the real kindness from people there.


它的商店,很别致。各种饰品,各种纪念品,各种主题商品,尽显的不是让人匆匆而看的卖点,而是吸引人慢慢品味的静谧的欣 赏。很奇怪的感觉。北京这样的店其实也不少,但是总是过了就过了,没买到东西就算。可是这里的商店总让人留恋,想留下点什么,可却又怕自己的留下破坏其中 异样的平衡和和谐的基调。

The various stores there are full of decorations, souvenirs and outlets. The interesting thing is that we feel we are willing to wander in the store, but it seems that we have to be gentle at the same time in case of interrupting the harmony of it.  


它的食物,人多的地方一定去!在国内,总是看到人多,有排队的地方就跑,可是这里,只要一看到人多的地方,一定去!因为那 是这里最特色的东西。那个muffuletta,经历了五十多年的历史,到现在还是卖的那么火热。东西方文化区别在文化上的体现也是很大的,所以我不能说 那个很好吃,但是它的历史价值,以及当地地方特色的价值已经远远盖过了食物本身的味道。所以尝到就很满足了。 至于在国内那个很火的,新奥尔良烤翅?我来到这里就一直在找,结果发现那就是简单的烤翅,并不特别,并不是这里的特色食物,这里的海鲜比较出名。所以不知 道国内那个是如何得名的,有待研究。
Speaking of its food, the most important tip is you have to line when you see a long line because it must be good thing to eat, which is different from what we do in China, running away from crowds. I may not say the food there tastes really good because of culture difference, but I can say the historical value of food is beyond its taste, and should be more valued. Thus, we are so lucky that we got muffuletta to eat, a kind of sandwich going through nearly fifty years! We were so excited when eating even its taste is not we expected. Plus, for the so called famous New Orleans chicken in china, I really didn’t find it anywhere. I don’t know what it comes from and I will let you know after I have done a research.


它的河,温柔,阳光且静谧!但这不是它的河所赋予的,而是周围的景物点缀的。周围有一些不太高的楼房,这让河显得很平易近 人。然后是坐在河边的人群,让河赋予了生命的气息。人不多,且都很陶醉的仰望前方,又配上空长且绿茵茵的草坪时,河让一切都带有了水的灵动,而河本身又被 周围的和谐所包裹,尽显温柔。

There is much to say of its river-tender, shining and pleasing quiet. Or it is the surroundings make it in that way. After all the height of building coordinates the river to be kind and the several smiling people along the river dot it with a lively life. Now I don’t know whether it is the river makes people kind or the people help river be gentle?



Jass is the typical music of New Orleans besides rock and blues, presenting the colorfulness of its life as well as the hidden sadness of its history , which I’d like to call it as agile.


我们今天正巧遇上了游行,一个词,震撼!他们是正在配合现在正在占领华尔街的游行活动,申讨华尔街金融业,反对美国两党争 政,反对不公平现象。他们表达美国金融制度偏袒权贵,对富人的不满,视其为金融海啸的罪魁祸首。这个活动开始于九月十七日,因为那天是宪法日。现在这个活 动已向82个国家,951个城市蔓延了。没想到被我们碰上了。游行的群众让我们加入他们,说我们是99%的群众,对于那些掌握大量财富1%的权贵的贪婪, 我们再也无法忍受!一路上,举牌,吹哨,义愤填膺的青年,比比皆是。呐喊着他们的口号,一路愤然向前走。当时我看见后,脑子就懵了 ,毕竟这是我第一次见到那么没有限制,没有阻碍,那么自由大胆的,公然反对政府的游行!来到这里以后,一直很感谢有这么一个机会,去体验那种超乎想象的自 由和人权。但见到真人版的人权扩大化,还是第一次。不过他们很有序,没有让交通阻碍,没有聚众闹事,就只是奋喊出自己的心声。激情,真实,给力!


Maelle和我说,她曾经的姐姐住在这里四年,然后要走了,哭了将近一个星期,现在她终于明白为什么了。我当时内心一 动,感叹,是啊,如果让我首先有机会进入这么一个可爱,多彩,斑斓,阳光,充满着幸福基调的城市,然后又让我离开,那么那种不舍,一定可以直透内心,那么 思念,一定可以穿越时间。

Maelle, one of my friends coming from Haiti, said her sisters had been crying for almost week after she had to leave the city, and now she understood why it is. I was touched at that time and got to ask myself what would I feel if I had to leave the city, then I felt a sense of sorrowful because I finally realize how pity and sorry it is to leave such a beautiful, lovely, shining, kind and happy city. After leaving, my miss will probably stand the time.


I hope I will have another chance to be here again but at night. At that time, there will be the warm light from coffees, the black sky with stars from the beauty of blue sky in the day, and those lovely and adorable people there as well as their positive attitudes toward life.

作者: 杨熙
author: Joy Yang


Street Jam是这儿的学校社团的一个活动日,就是各个社团去买些小吃啊、点心啊、饮料啊,或者自己做些菜,然后在活动日这一天卖给学生,赚点小钱。刚开始不知道jam是什么意思,查了一下字典,才知道jam意思是“堵塞、拥挤、挤满”之意。顾名思义,活动日这天,各个社团在学校里展卖自己的食品,还有音乐专场相伴,当然吸引很多学生,沸沸扬扬,把街道都“塞满了”。

今年的Street jam还是跟往年一样,但对于我们这些中国学生来说却充满了新鲜和期待。在Street jam 的前一个周六,我们去超市买好了牛肉、猪肉、芹菜、白菜、面粉、细葱、春卷皮等包饺子和春卷用的东西,然后在美琪老师家里开做。对于我们这些在家里很少下厨的学生,这既是一个尝试又是一种挑战。我们拿起了“风尘已久”的菜刀切葱,却被呛得眼泪直流;为了把菜切得更细,切得手臂都酸了,最后不得不轮流工作。第一次包春卷,结果包得五花八门、大小不一;第一次包饺子,擀面皮,结果弄得参差不齐、奇形怪状…


虽然这次的Street jam,没有想象中的“大赚一把”,但也算硕果累累。从开始买肉、菜,到切菜、擀皮、包饺,再到最后的售卖,无处不在体会着生活。的确,来美国这一年,我们不仅要学习的是知识,更要学习怎样生活和体会生活。而要体会生活,就要积极参与、勇于实践。也许,会有很多的“第一次”,但不迈出这一步,就永远体会不到,就像阿甘正传所说的“人生就像一部巧克力,你不吃下去,就永远不知道它的味道。”
