_  Dec. 15 2011


It is the third day of our trip, the tough one actually.


Drizzles accompany us all day and our trip is mainly on the bus or walking on the wet streets, which probably makes us a little bit down today.

_  早上我们经过了无数次的问路,查路线图,才找到去大学区的交通路线。当坐上轻轨时,我突然想把坐在轻轨上看到的风景照下来,虽然相片清晰度不高,但那确实是西雅图大部分地区的城市全貌。而且,当窗外风景骤然倒逝于眼边,也总能品味出人生得失之感。

We plan to start the trip by going to the University District, but we do have a hard time looking for the right routine of that. Then after sitting on the light rail, a wonderful idea hits me that it might be interesting to take pictures of city when I am on the moving rail. The quality of photos is not that so good though, the picture diary is going to be a best proof of city view. Besides seeing something out of window kind of reminds me of something related to life. Just as the moving scenery outside of window, we cannot decide what presents us and catch up something that is not supposed to be ours, but we still should appreciate everything we have already had, because at least that everything belongs to us.

_ 后来我们依行程到了西雅图的大学区,主要是看华盛顿大学。它是一所世界排名22的优秀大学,而且在全美公立大学中,综合实力排名第四,所以值得一看。但当我们坐公交,眼看着行人由外国人多,变为中国人多的时候,不用听站牌预报,都知道我们的目的地要到了。中国人的实力就是如此之强大,越到繁华,越到有技术含量的地区,中国人出现频率就越高,麻省如此,哈佛亦如此,而依然优秀的华盛顿大学也不例外。我们又开始听见熟悉的中文,看到亲切的“熟人”了。不过因为天气缘故,也因为已有麻省和哈佛的旅游经历,我们在华盛顿大学所待时间并不久。因为,我们今天的主要目的地--微软总部,正在像我们招手。

Then we arrive at the University District and we just want to see the University of Washington. Actually it is funny that when we are aware of many Chinese passengers passing by, we just know that it is time to get off the bus because the destination is not so far. Thinking in that way is rooted from the experience that visiting to MIT and HV. In that trip, the nearer we get to close to the school, the more Chinese people on the streets. So we get used to it and also apply it this time, successfully, it works out. But we just hang about for a while at W, then leave for the Microsoft Corporation.

_  微软总部坐落在雷德蒙德地区,是临近西雅图的一个地区,而后来到了之后,我们才知道,原来那就相当于微软研究基地一般,基本被微软的各种楼所占领了。我们首先是到一个微软中转站,在那里,有免费的专门由微软公司提供的免费咖啡,茶和各式饮品,然后告诉那的服务人员要去微软那栋楼,那么就会有各种型号大小的微软巴士或的士来接我们到目的地。对于我们这样的参观者,在偌大的一个微软地区,有且只有一座楼可以去,那就是游览中心。所以在专车的接待下我们顺利到了这座有且只有一楼对参观者开放的游览中心。里面有且只有两处地方对参观者开放,一处是专门卖微软产品的,一处是微软体验馆(今天正好关门),所以我们就一直在微软产品店逛了很久。但是那里的商品千姿百态,而且都以微软开发出来的软件,游戏,浏览器命名,如binggeek等。所有的东西都很别致,而且是专属品,不过价格比较昂贵,所以最后还是没有走到收银台的位置上。

The Microsoft Corporation is located on the Redmond, a neighborhood of Seattle. And after being there, we are surprised that the Microsoft Corporation’s buildings and connector shuttles spread the whole area. The bus drops us off at the Transit Center in which free coffee, tea and foundation drinks are served by the corporation. Later the staff will check the customers’ requests, such as which building are we going to, then the shuttle or taxi will come and pick us up to there. But it is a pity that only the first floor of Microsoft Visitor Center be open to the public, for anywhere else, it is for employees only. But everything is going fine in the Visitor Center Store. Lots of cute things are there.

_ 后来,又在专车的接送下,我们返回到了中转站,准备打道回府,那会也是下午四点,城市已被黑夜笼罩了。相机,也在那时,没电了,所以晚上的生活也就无法用图片形象说明了。

About four, we come back and the city is already in a dark. Unluckily, the camera is also out of power then, so there won’t be pictures about our nights.


After being back to downtown, we have a dinner at Westlake Center then go shopping at Marcy’s and a tiny but wonderful Japanese store. It is 10 in the hotel.

今天的旅程, 并不是很顺利,但是,也是因为途中不顺,才更感人情的可贵。而我也终于明白,只有完全置身于西雅图时,才能体味其中那份浪漫,轻快和温柔之感,临海而行,伴有微风飒飒,才显西雅图的梦境阑珊,也才足以让心,就此沉浮。

The trip today doesn’t work out so well as yesterday, but it is a good experience to meet something new. For me, I get to know the excitement and satisfaction still comes from Seattle itself—romantic, gentle and light. Sleepless happens just in Seattle.

Author: Joy Yang

12/16/2011 04:30:19 pm

12/22/2011 02:01:27 pm

感谢关注博客,嘻嘻 = )

12/30/2011 04:31:04 am

Nice info dude

1/29/2012 04:21:00 pm

thank you = )

1/26/2012 01:57:03 am

THX for info

1/29/2012 04:22:26 pm

thank u for reading!!!

1/27/2012 12:57:06 am

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THX for info

3/21/2012 12:42:12 am

Appreciate your info

3/23/2012 08:12:04 am

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6/23/2012 08:10:40 pm

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